Recent content by Alaska 79 K-10

  1. Alaska 79 K-10

    I’m in love - here’s the truck I’m dating

    Here is the interior from my 1979. The seat cover has been changed, but the rest is the same as this 1980.
  2. Alaska 79 K-10

    454 original value add for a square body

    I feel it adds value. You will not regret it. Torque rules. I have first hand knowledge.
  3. Alaska 79 K-10

    Quadrajet Choke Operation

    There is a stepped cam on the Q-Jet too. But as you found out, it doesn’t pull itself to the next step as it warms up, you must blip the throttle as you did.
  4. Alaska 79 K-10

    78 c20 10 inch wide wheels

    I think you will find that the most you can safely go on backspacing is 4 1/2” To 4 3/4”. Otherwise you will run into the tie rods. The larger wheel diameter you stated may give you an added advantage. Compare your current wheel to the tie rod, then measure your backspacing.
  5. Alaska 79 K-10

    Cussin’ a Quadrajet!

    Glad your issue was simply resolved. The Quadrajet really is a good carb. I have restored and run many. Cliff Ruggles has a great book on how to rebuild and modify them. Highly recommended read. Click on the below link.
  6. Alaska 79 K-10

    Replacement interior door panels from USA-1

    Here are pictures of the interior showing the gray dash and seat. Pictures taken at -20 degrees here in Fairbanks.
  7. Alaska 79 K-10

    454 long block replacement and associated sensor issues

    The key is to match the sensors to your gauges, or warning lights. Use the senders your truck calls for. It doesn't matter what the engine is. It is the signal the senders give to the factory gauges. Sometimes you must adapt the correct senders to the donor engine.
  8. Alaska 79 K-10

    Replacement interior door panels from USA-1

    My dash is a light gray, as well as the seat. The color combo works really well. I will post a picture this weekend.
  9. Alaska 79 K-10

    Painted driveshafts?

    Paint it!
  10. Alaska 79 K-10

    Fresh paint

    Nicely done. Very slick
  11. Alaska 79 K-10

    Tailgate trim

    I certainly believe so. My 79 Cheyenne has this trim.
  12. Alaska 79 K-10

    86 C10 454 SWAP

    Flow chart. 12V constant at distributor (while cranking too), hot wire plugged into + battery terminal, coil grounded, coil carbon button installed, control module plugged in at both ends. Best wishes
  13. Alaska 79 K-10

    402 BBC

    Should be a fun build. Oval port heads, dual plane intake, 9.5 compression, headers, and a healthy hydraulic flat tappet cam. Sexy and affordable. Would recommend ARP rod bolt when you get the connecting rods resized. Grrrr
  14. Alaska 79 K-10

    Have you swapped a 350 for a 454? Advice needed

    Yes you can use the 350 mounts. But if there is a plate between the mount on the block, use that too! This is needed for proper spacing with the frame mounts. I leave the transmission in place. I converted over to the factory shroud

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