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  1. tpripps

    All glass, C30 (single) drums, rear leaf packs in Twin Cities MN area.

    "Transparent" Ar ar ar! :D
  2. tpripps

    Age of our members

    38, I love the way America built things before I was born.
  3. tpripps

    All glass, C30 (single) drums, rear leaf packs in Twin Cities MN area.

    Sorry, I didn't see that I had gotten a reply. I'm ideally looking for a slider rear window, that's what it had before. I just need the drivers vent glass, the frame is still there and the handles are easy to come by. I have the Driver's door glass but I need the passenger side still. The...
  4. tpripps

    HOLY BRAKES! Enough to get me by?

    This was all after the BFH proved fruitless. I was surprised how much insult a cast iron drum could take.
  5. tpripps

    HOLY BRAKES! Enough to get me by?

    Everything on the inside of the drum was one rusted mass from sitting for 28 years. I tried finding the adjuster but I couldn't tell what was adjuster and what was other piles of rust.
  6. tpripps

    HOLY BRAKES! Enough to get me by?

    So a while back I had posted about a rear drum that was stuck and some of the methods I used to unstuck it. One of the methods I tried was to drill two holes (one on each side) of the brake drum, about 3/16" dia, and used a punch to try to drive the pads free from the outside. Being that there...
  7. tpripps

    All glass, C30 (single) drums, rear leaf packs in Twin Cities MN area.

    I'm working on getting my square body back on the road after sitting for nearly 30 years. I'm looking to get it drivable for as cheap as possible, then I can figure out what it REALLY needs and focus on fixing that. I don't want to buy thousands of dollars of new parts only to find out that...
  8. tpripps

    Seized Brake Drum '78 C30 - HELP!

    I finally got it. I drilled a hole through each side of the drum and whacked at the pads with a punch. I pulled out the axle shaft to make sure it wasn't a seized bearing, which it wasn't. I soaked everything with penetrating oil and heated it all up with a map torch. Lastly I put a huge gear...
  9. tpripps

    Distributor Wrench Alternative

    Actually, I never did figure it out. I tried all of the wrenches I had and nothing worked. After I got it all buttoned up I remembered I had one of these combination "socket" wrenches and was curious if it would do the trick.
  10. tpripps

    New to you guys

    Welcome from Minnesota
  11. tpripps

    Backing Plate for 14bolt Full Floater

    I found everything I needed on rockauto EXCEPT for the backing plate...
  12. tpripps

    Backing Plate for 14bolt Full Floater

    Just referring to the brake lines and master cylinder ;-)
  13. tpripps

    Backing Plate for 14bolt Full Floater

    It's likely a ways out yet but I'm putting plans together to replace all of the brakes on my '78 C30, front, rear and middle, and i'm compiling a list of parts and where I can find them for a reasonable cost. I don't think it's totally necessary, but i'd like to replace the drum backing plates...
  14. tpripps

    HA!!! I WIN!!!!

    Seems like the pads were, for lack of better term, "glued" to the drum. I know they aren't iron and they shouldn't "rust" to the drum, but they were so stuck tight to that drum that I couldn't pry or pound them off of the drum till I got the gear puller on them. I haven't tried the other side...
  15. tpripps

    New Here from N.E. California

    fun story! welcome from MN
  16. tpripps

    New to the group

    Welcome from MN!
  17. tpripps

    What is this Fitting?

    BINGO!!! That's it! Quick google search and that's exactly what I need! THANKS!
  18. tpripps

    What is this Fitting?

    I'm taking inventory of all of the things that are broken on my "new" truck and one of the things I found was this fitting. One of the barbs is snapped off. I'm not sure if it's vacuum or some sort of cooling/heating line. I assume it's vac otherwise the system wouldn't hold pressure... maybe it...
  19. tpripps

    New to site

    Welcome! Let's see your rides!
  20. tpripps

    Distributor Wrench Alternative

    anybody know if I can get it with a plain offset box end? I'd be nice if I could find one that was a 6-point like 75gmck25 said above. I'm not sure they exist unless I make one myself
  21. tpripps

    Distributor Wrench Alternative

    I want to pull my distributor to prime my oil before I start my truck for the for the first time in 28 years. I couldn't get any conventional wrenches on the distributor bolt so I went to AutoZone and got a distributor wrench. I drenched it in PB but it was so seized that I put a full twist in...
  22. tpripps

    HA!!! I WIN!!!!

    After struggling for weeks with this dumb brake drum, I FINALLY got it off. I did everything I could think of. -Welded a 5' long bar to a wheel and lowered the truck down onto it to try to torque it loose -Removed the wheel cylinder and parking brake boss -drilled out the pad posts -soaked the...
  23. tpripps

    New guy from Mississippi

    Wassup, new guy?! Welcome from MN
  24. tpripps

    New Member

    Welcome! Nice to have another C30 on the forum!

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