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  1. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    I didn't take what you said too seriously! I really do want to learn to do this stuff!! I HATE working with wood! My walls aren't squared, so even if my trim cuts are perfect, it doesn't fit together. Metal, you can do anything you want with metal. In the designs that i did for a large...
  2. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    I'd love to learn how to fab parts! But i don't know if i have all of the tools to do it... I recently bought my first welder (lincoln tombstone arc welder) and a friend is suppose to give me his late brothers 110 mig welder, to restore my wife's wrangler. I have a small drill press, and a lot...
  3. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    I want to keep the truck clean cut looking, but also take it to the sand dunes. I like these custom sites, they'll definitely help with this! First, gotta get it driveable again.... Which means new doors and corner panels... $370 per door...
  4. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    Ugh oh.... that is a really cool site! Lol
  5. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    Great write up, thanks for sharing!!!! What is ORD?
  6. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    Yeah, i saw those as well. Yup, those are it i think. I just like the look of the quad shocks!!! Haha
  7. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    Ah gotcha, thank you! . So no aftermarket parts?
  8. richiemoe

    Is it bad to scrap parts versus selling?

    I'm definitely buying the '82 truck for $500. i'll scrap the old front clip and see how much work the box needs. I know i can sell that, and probably make my money back. Then buy a southern one down the road. I was going to pass on it, but my dad said to go for it, and will help me take the clip...
  9. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    Do you guys know where i can buy these Quad Shock mounts? Maybe i'm missing it, but i can't find them... Or should i try taking them off my old frame ('86 k10 4.3L shortbox), refurbish them and put on my donor frame ('82 k10 6.2L shortbox)?
  10. richiemoe

    Is it bad to scrap parts versus selling?

    Right, i guess it'll depend on if we have the room. We already have my wife's '95 wrangler in my garage(city lot), that i'm slowly working on. Lots of house projects still, we had to gut the house when we bought it last September due to mold. The '86 truck is at my grandma's (lives in the...
  11. richiemoe

    Is it bad to scrap parts versus selling?

    The guy has been super friendly to me! He asked me what i think is fair, but i'm super dutch, so my price point might still be below his price point... HAHA He just messaged me this morning and asked if $500 is fair, and he will deliver it. It has the cab, 6.2l engine (doesn't think it works he...
  12. richiemoe

    Is it bad to scrap parts versus selling?

    Really? I can find long boxes all over, but i'm having trouble finding a short box (bed and 4x4 frame), at a reasonable price. Maybe i haven't looked enough? I'm also nervous of passing up on this, as i feel like my dad's old one is sitting and getting worse every month that goes by... I just...
  13. richiemoe

    Is it bad to scrap parts versus selling?

    A friend of mine was parting out his '82 k10 6.2L shortbox. I only want the frame and box, nothing else! He got tired of dealing with people, so he stopped selling parts off it. It still has the cab, box, engine, axles, etc. My '86 k10 4.3L has better gearing, good cab (needs new corners) and...
  14. richiemoe

    Using old wiring harness?

    I'm swapping frames on my '86 K10 4.3L with one from an '82 K10 6.2L Diesel. Anything that i should look out for, that you have learned the hard way? I feel like i should buy a new wiring harness, but is it bad to use the old one? How difficult would it be to rewire it later on, versus when i...
  15. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    Good to know, i'll be going with BDS as well! Thanks!
  16. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    Quad performance shocks!! That means double the performance and double the coolness, right?
  17. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    wow, lots of good info, thank you!! Eventually, like 3-4 years after i get the truck rust free and driving again, i'll be getting a BDS liftkit. 2"-2.5" should be good, so i don't have to change the drive shafts, and still look clean cut/stock look. And BDS offers a no questions asked, lifetime...
  18. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    It might only be an option for Bling, but i'm sold on it looking cool, and different than others... Putting a plow unit meant for a 1 ton truck onto a half ton, was my dad's reasoning. I thought he said he ordered it this way from the factory, but I could be mistaken. I know my grandma worked...
  19. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    Oh, i didn't know that! I'll have to either take them off the '86 frame and put on the '82 diesel frame, or see if there is a place that sell them. I guess i can cross that bridge when i get there. It isn't needed, but looks fricken cool! I haven't searched at all yet, just daydreaming about...
  20. richiemoe

    Quad Shocks?

    Does anyone else have quad shocks on the front of their K10's? My dad said he special ordered it that way, when he bought it new, for his 1 ton plow unit. When replacing them, is there anything special about it? Just use two shocks, instead of one, on each side? Safe to assume that all frames...
  21. richiemoe

    Let's talk oil

    My stuff isn't anything special, but my daily drivers have all made it over 200k, and an old truck that ran to almost 300k before selling, and i've been using NAPA Full Synthetic for the past 8-10 years. Before that, i just used NAPA Conventional. Which NAPA is the same thing as Valvoline...
  22. richiemoe

    Frame swap question

    I wondered about that as well, but it is definitely a k10. The owner thought it was a k20, which being a diesel, i would have assumed as well. But looking at the specs, there was no k20 diesel.... The owner had bought it to restore his '79 short box. Thanks, i wasn't sure about the motor...
  23. richiemoe

    Frame swap question

    Ah, i didn't realize it was that involved... But i'd rather put in the time figuring out before, than to guess and be wrong... The are fun projects, i'm use to "need this done now so it can be driven tomorrow" projects... UGH!!! And it will be a fun project with my dad! I will most definitely...
  24. richiemoe

    Frame swap question

    After searching around for stock options, I'm thinking it is 3.73. I'm still learning gearing, but my wife's '95 Wrangler has a small 4 cylinder, 5spd manual and 4.10 gearing. In 4x4 low, that thing hauls up steep sand dunes, with 31's. Iffy on the highway, but i can still drive in 5th, just...
  25. richiemoe

    Frame swap question

    Good to know, thanks! He didn't give me a price yet, but i think I'm sold on it! Haha For the sand dunes, should i use the axles already on it? I assume they are different on a diesel than my 4.3l v6? The diesel bed has two fuel tanks, so I'll hold out for a single.

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