Recent content by pbrstreetgang

  1. P

    Keep getting bad alternators??? On #4

    Thanks everyone hope lives in these pages
  2. P

    Keep getting bad alternators??? On #4

    Got the Bosch alt on and running around town for past two weeks seemed ok. Put a batt load tester and charging system gauge on and everything tested out good. Now, at start up I get alternator whine until it runs for a minute or so and then volt meter reads 14v Is this the beginning of...
  3. P

    Keep getting bad alternators??? On #4

    I did get 12 volts at alt plug - just wondered if the bulb receptacle could be shorting or something like that Are Bosch alternators any count? There is an auto electric guy one town over I may visit. He helped me back when I drove a M1009 Cucv with dual alternators on a 24v system
  4. P

    Keep getting bad alternators??? On #4

    Thank you for all of the help and suggestions I have replaced batt pos and neg (ground) cables with new 2 gauge copper All connection points get hit really well with electronics cleaner and steel brush until I see shiny. The alt mount for the battery ground got the same I replaced the engine...
  5. P

    Keep getting bad alternators??? On #4

    If I do I’m not sure where else to check I’ve been through all the grounds
  6. P

    Keep getting bad alternators??? On #4

    Yeah I would definitely take a recommend First was what came in it when I got it unknown now Second was advance auto sourced Third was a single wire because nothing else was working And this last one was an ac delco that worked great and charged perfectly for three weeks and then crapped out
  7. P

    Keep getting bad alternators??? On #4

    On 4th alternator on 78 Chevy k10 with factory wiring All connections / grounds gone through and cleaned Exciting wire is getting 12v with motor not running New battery New 2 gauge battery cable to starter Im thinking battery light in gauge cluster is not doing its thing but mechanic says...
  8. P

    86’ K15 starter wiring

    Is there anywhere to source these wires or the harness to replace the originals? If not, how would someone go about re creating these wires? I’m talking about the two wires that run down to the solenoid - not the main. Battery POS cable
  9. P

    Instrument gauge cluster backplate

    Need help sourcing a new gauge cluster back plate LMC said they couldn’t help me 78 k10 Scottsdale - no tachometer and no clock - so need a part number or direct link to purchase a new one or hood replacement as mine is brittle and cracked up

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