Recent content by chengny

  1. chengny

    Turn signal and brake problem

    My blinkers work for both sides but once I hit the brake the turn signal shuts off then comes back on when I release the brake. 1. When you say the T/S shuts off; do you mean the lamp stops flashing and remains constantly lit, or that it goes completely out (dark)? 2. Was the directional...
  2. chengny

    Choke works,oil pressure gauge works ,choke light always on

    A: I wouldn't get too stressed about it. I would be far more inclined to believe that what the gauge indicates is your actual oil pressure. B: Yes, a faulty oil pressure switch will cause the CHOKE warning light on the dash to illuminate. Also, remember to keep in mind that the power supplied...
  3. chengny

    signal light problems

    Craig, If I am reading this right: Both signals and front markers flash at the same time. When he says "both", I think he's referring to both the LH and RH sides (blinkers & markers combined). IOW, if the directionals are activated - in either direction - and the HL's/PL's are off, from the...
  4. chengny

    signal light problems

    New or existing problem? Any repairs/modifications immediately prior to start of issue? Be sure all 4 bulbs are the correct ones (1157 park/turn & 168 marker) - and their sockets are clean. Inspect wiring to park/turn signals (BRN - park) & (LT BLU/DK BLU - L&R directionals), look for any...
  5. chengny

    85 C10 Vacuum Hose Diagram/Pics

    In stock at Classic Parts - $4.49
  6. chengny

    Frame question

    Looks like the bottom flanges are still correctly spaced, while the top flanges are splayed outward. That indicates that the webs are twisted. To straighten the webs, you'll need to heat them up (a lot - till the steel is cherry red) and then apply a torsional force to the upper surface of the...
  7. chengny

    85 C10 Vacuum Hose Diagram/Pics

    Having said all that - sorry - check the diverter valve link. Access is easy, just remove the dash vent riser from the main body of the plenum (two little bolts and one screw): The connecting link will be visible. It is a white piece of plastic and gets brittle over time: This part is...
  8. chengny

    6.2l diesel starter wiring

    The attached might provide some guidance. The LL4 is a heavy duty version of the LH6 - but they are both 6.2 liter diesels. The drawings were pulled from the "engine electrical" section of the 1982 Service Manual.
  9. chengny

    OPSU is in, but no wire.

    First check the fuse labeled GAU/IDLE. Its located up near the top on the LH side of the fuse block: Next check that the instrument cluster is grounded. The common grounding bus block is on the LH cab sidewall - above the parking brake operatorhhhhhhhhhhh: BTW - the speedometer is...
  10. chengny

    OPSU is in, but no wire.

    On this one; don't be so quick to blame the horn control circuitry. There is another branch circuit on that fuse - the cigarette lighter. And it is notorious for getting shorted to ground. Try unplugging the single orange lead from the base of the lighter and see what happens. The dome light...
  11. chengny

    OPSU is in, but no wire.

    I show I show the lead to the oil pressure sender as a TAN 20 AWG. See .5 TAN 31 below: It transits the firewall connector at the bottom row, inner bay of the engine harness block. Like this:
  12. chengny

    Quick Question about coolant temperature senders/ sensors

    As info; 1/2 NPT is very close to 11/16" in diameter and 3/8 NPT is just about 9/16" diameter. You should be able to use an open end wrench of each of those sizes to gauge the body of the sensor - and make a good educated guess.
  13. chengny

    Electric choke power source

    At this'd probably only find one in a junkyard. I would suggest that you don't try to make your own out of pipe fittings. I have tried several times before and the end result always has one problem or another (usually it's too big).
  14. chengny

    Front shock bolt torque

    Per request, cleaned up front suspension specs: And rear specs:

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