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      hi, all: My 16 year old son and I are just about to get his 75 GMC High Sierra back on the road. He's looking for a new set of wheels...
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      AaronW replied to the thread Weird Electrical Problem.
      Well, I've been driving the truck some for a few weeks now, and no issues, so I guess we can call this one "problem solved." I wonder if...
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      AaronW replied to the thread New Member in Eastern Montana.
      Welcome. Beaverhead County, here. Aaron
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      I've got the front fenders, including the inner fenders, the radiator mount and a good hood. It's got the headlights in it. It's got the...
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      AaronW replied to the thread Weird Electrical Problem.
      So, fingers crossed, I think it may have been the ignition switch. I'm still not envisioning how the heat thing could affect that, but I...
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      AaronW replied to the thread Weird Electrical Problem.
      Wow, that's an unusual problem... Part of my equation here, is that it only seems to do it when it's hot, so I'm trying to envision...
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      AaronW replied to the thread Weird Electrical Problem.
      I've still got to get it to actually die again. It was having the problem pretty consistently, I had a mechanic put a new starter in it...
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      AaronW replied to the thread Weird Electrical Problem.
      So everything looks good to me, as far as connections go. I figured I'd go ahead and put an ignition switch in it, 32 bucks, so what the...
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      AaronW replied to the thread Weird Electrical Problem.
      Will do, Rick. I think I'm gonna go ahead and replace the ignition switch, as long as I'm messing with it. doesn't look like that big of...
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      I've listed this as an electrical problem, since that seems likely. So my 89 V3500 just had a complete rebuild. A machinist I know...
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      AaronW replied to the thread Tilt Steering Column.
      Sorry, I now realized I said 4 speed auto, not 4 speed manual, which the truck is.
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      My son and I are working on on his 75 High Sierra K15. Right now, we're getting ready to paint, but the steering is going to need some...
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