Recent content by trucktony

  1. T

    HELP transmission mystery question

    1/2 the fluid in the torque convertor will slowly drain into pan during extended periods of inactivity. The level will get above the output shaft and if the rear seal is weak may leak. Replace the seal, all will be good. exactly that the level is even coming above the oilfiller tube grommet(top...
  2. T

    Performance 700r4 rebuild

    Iam also very interested in the stuff your are going to use for this rebuild Keep us updated
  3. T

    diagnosing mystery rattle/ flex plate clearance

    I had the same problem with the mystery rattle when under load pulling off from a stoplight with more then half throttle I had this sound that was the same as detonation A lot of turning on the HEI and day's later I found out that the flexplate (which was a bit bent like yours)hit the high...

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