I feel you but purely from a devils advocate prospective, look at the amount of issues guys have on this forum purely from a wiring nightmare that PO's have done? Absolute wiring and hack job atrocities that guys try to wring out years, even decades after some ******** decided to just start cutting stuff out and splicing **** in. If somebody is willing to hack up the dash, which is in plain sight as soon as you hop in the drivers seat, what else did they completely destroy that's hidden????
That being said, if somebody took the time and patience to keep a stock look while still upgrading something, my first thought is they took the time to do it right and chances are much better those hidden gremlins don't exist.
Yes, it costs more money and time to do it right. I'd bet you spend ten times as much in money and time fixing other **** that a PO ****** up because hacking that dash apart was the easier, cheaper way out.