How about you AuroraGirl? You seem to have a lot of spare parts from trucks from all kinds of years. Do you have a column for a "74 C10 auto, tilt, with shift on the column? I used to but I can't seem to find one on the net for the right price or parts. It'll be for my year truck, auto, tilt but then it's for a stick on the floor. Or they want a million dollars for it. Do you know I found one on the net for over a thousand dollars!! Good luck finding someone who'll pay such a stupid price for that. And the bad part is I think it's from Ididit or one of those. Are they serious?
I took mine completely apart one time fixing the outter tubing. It had to be taken all the way down so I could take it to work and weld the tube. Somehow it was broken completely in half. How it got that way I have no idea. I bought that truck about seven years before and I don't remember having any movement in the column as if it were broken. But I guess it was and progressed over time. But I cleaned the whole thing and meticulously put the thing back together by the factory manual. It looked like new and I wouldn't have asked that much for mine and that's all Ididit does is clean it replace parts, and paint it. It ain't worth that much I don't care what they did to it. That's a sucker price, seeing if some sucker will bite.
If you would sell me one I have no idea how to exchange info or get money to you what with all the privacy and security these sites have built into them.
You know we all would make a great group of friends with all we have in common. I can see us all at a huge bar-b-cue with all the guys (no offense AuroraGirl being a girl), hanging out looking into each others engine compartments and the wives and girls friends hanging out over on the other side talking about how we're all a pain in the butt being so obsessed with parts and everything trucks, engines, whatever. All they hear is some alien language that's made up of part numbers and names of truck components, " Yeah, po783-456 bracket support!". Oh yeah, it's a an438 pressure check valve!". Ha, ha, ha.
Let me hear from ya' gal.