Thanks for all the responses, fellas. Nothing like learning how much I don't yet know!
@75gmck25 Sorry, yes. I'm talking about the little cylindrical filter w/ spring at the carb inlet. Pretty sure we have it in correctly, but it's easy enough to check so I'll do so. I'm not aware of any other inline filters but I haven't traced anything back to the tank in front of the mechanical pump. I'll crawl under and have a look. As for checking vacuum leaks...well, I've tried. Used a couple of different methods and haven't found anything. I feel like something I watched made me leery about using carb cleaner but maybe that's the way I should go.
@Grit dog Makes me nervous to attempt a rebuild on my own, but then I've felt that way about all the other things we've eventually gotten accomplished. I'd like to do it myself. Only way to finally understand what's going on. Main concerns I had were that it seemed like there was something about bottom plugs or drilling out bushings or some such. Things to do with our modern fuels not treating the old stuff well. Anyway, just seemed like swapping in one that someone else had prepped might be better for someone of my skill level. I'll reconsider it. Got to start doing things at some point.
@SquareRoot Love the advice. And you would receive my boy's vote as well. He's got so many grand schemes and so much optimism. God love the poor kid, he doesn't seem to realize he's stuck with this old man
@oldretiredafguy Not something I look forward to doing, but I'd be lying if the boy hadn't suggested we might need to do that. Another thing on the to do list.