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  1. TotalyHucked

    Huck's daily - 2005 Z71 crewcab

  2. TotalyHucked

    Huck's daily - 2005 Z71 crewcab

    That would definitely be nice to have. I pulled the axle out of my C10 to give to the guy that did its setup. When I dropped it off he was like “where’s the truck? I like to do them in the vehicle”. :shrug: I’m a workbench kinda guy, if I had a fixture/table, I’d definitely rather do it that way
  3. TotalyHucked

    Huck's daily - 2005 Z71 crewcab

    I definitely wouldn’t wanna do this on a driveway or in the gravel. *Maybe* if it were a 9” Ford or 8 3/4” Mopar that you can just drop the center chunk. But def not anything else. If I didn’t REALLY wanna know how to do this, I would’ve already thrown in the towel and taken it somewhere. But...
  4. TotalyHucked

    Huck's daily - 2005 Z71 crewcab

    Honestly that’s how I’m leaning too. I think I may go ahead and order a new R&P in the next couple days to have waiting for when I go back and try in the .026 range and it’s still noisy lol. Already ordered another 2 sets of bearings from QP (one front and one rear)
  5. TotalyHucked

    Huck's daily - 2005 Z71 crewcab

    I also think I have an issue with this being a cheap ass Chinese gearset (ironically enough it's branded as USA Standard). I'm going to give it one more go to get the pattern decent (and also order more bearings) but I'm fully expecting to still have noise. If that's the case, I'm going to order...
  6. TotalyHucked

    Huck's daily - 2005 Z71 crewcab

    So I've been working on this...and working on this...and working on this...and working on this...and working on this...and working on this...and working on this...:banghead: I've kept Spencer in the loop, he's been awesome to talk through things with and bounce ideas off of since this has been...
  7. TotalyHucked

    How much are these parts worth?

    Worst case I suppose you could disassemble it, store the components in a couple boxes/totes somewhere and toss the main crossmember wherever you can fit it. I'll be in this position soon, I have a whole new aftermarket crossmember/suspension assembly to install. I plan to take pictures of it on...
  8. TotalyHucked

    Please help. 84 blazer

    What about grounds, made sure all those are hooked up?
  9. TotalyHucked

    How to switch from a DRW to a SRW in a 1981 K30 / 350 engine / 3 speed manual / 4x4

    OP, it looks like you've got a pretty nice truck there. In all honesty, if you want a SRW truck, I'd just go buy a SRW truck. It's a ton of work to convert, it'll look goofy as hell if you simply remove a wheel. If you don't need the load capacity of a dually, either sell yours and buy a SRW or...
  10. TotalyHucked

    Prebent brake lines for a 87 R30 long bed regular cab?

    Another vote for Inline Tube, they make all kinds of different brake lines
  11. TotalyHucked

    1985 Headlight Question

    As others have said, your truck has been converted to the '89-91 R/V style front end. You'll first need to at least take off the grille and headlight bezels to see how they did the conversion. You may still have the original '85 core support behind there or they may have done it correctly and...
  12. TotalyHucked

    Sound dampening

    Yeah I know a bunch of people in the SE that have put that stuff on their roofs with no issues.
  13. TotalyHucked

    vent window interchange?

    What year were the rebuilt ones from? Trust me, I wouldn't dare try to rebuild them myself after watching videos and talking to guys that have done it. It's WELL worth the cost to me to have someone rebuild them or just buy new ones. There's also a couple guys that rebuild them pretty...
  14. TotalyHucked

    vent window interchange?

    Unfortunately I don't. That's not something I've personally done but talked to a few guys over the years that have. I think it's really just drilling that extra hole if you get a set that has it. Or you could just pick up some new ones for your truck. That's what I plan to do...
  15. TotalyHucked

    vent window interchange?

    Yes, they will all interchange with minor work.
  16. TotalyHucked

    How much are these parts worth?

    I'd agree with these guys. I've seen a few complete front suspensions with crossmember/brakes and all here and there listed for $100-200 that stayed up for several weeks. Not a ton of demand for that outside of '60-70 guys wanting disc brakes
  17. TotalyHucked

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Sure thing. So our tanks are $90/ea, we offer both sides and have the fuel injection "basket" in the bottom to keep fuel around the pickup just like the OE. I've got one in my truck and they're super nice, I can tell you...
  18. TotalyHucked

    NEW Brothers Dash Bezels - CHEAP

    The vent above the HVAC controls in a non-ac truck is a little pocket
  19. TotalyHucked

    Tire suggestions for lifted 86 suburban

    I'd agree with that, I'd have no issue paying $50 or more per wheel for something huge. But even the 33s or 35s I've had mounted on 20s in the past, it's always just $25/wheel
  20. TotalyHucked


    Also be wary of PMs from people that are not known members. When I posted up looking for an '83/84 GMC grille a little while ago, I got 3-4 PMs from people that had either 0 posts or less than 10. I just ignored those.
  21. TotalyHucked

    Tire suggestions for lifted 86 suburban

    Around here it's pretty much $25/tire for mount and balance across the board. But there's lot of shops, anything from Discount Tire/name brands all the way to cash under the table shady places. And disposal is usually $6-8/tire. Size doesn't really matter until you get up to 40+.
  22. TotalyHucked

    Harbor Freight Table and carts

    I need to pick one of these up soon. Especially if I end up parking my box and adding top boxes to it instead of keeping it mobile to drag wherever I'm working. But it keeps getting heavier and heavier lol
  23. TotalyHucked

    '04 6.0 Alt./Pwr. Brackets

    Just to have different options. Everybody's setup is a little different, plus alternator being up high is kinda ugly to alot of people. Superchargers change the front runner needs, hoses, looks, there's any myriad of reasons
  24. TotalyHucked

    Huck's daily - 2005 Z71 crewcab

    That's exactly what I was doing too. That's not fair you have a side adjuster! lol
  25. TotalyHucked

    Huck's daily - 2005 Z71 crewcab

    Wow, yeah I never saw any changes like that. Now, when you're doing that, is that purely a pinion shim change for each different setup/picture? Or is that also after you'd adjusted carrier bearings to bring the backlash into spec? Each time I made a pinion change, I adjusted the backlash...

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