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    • C
      Cousin_Eddie replied to the thread What year box do I have?.
      Thanks Guys. I'm going to leave all the trim off of the box and body besides the fender well trim. So hopefully the later tailgate won't...
    • C
      Cousin_Eddie replied to the thread What year box do I have?.
      Update, so I called the guy I bought the truck from to see of he knew anything about the box swap. He gave me the name of the local...
    • C
      Cousin_Eddie replied to the thread Engine lag.
      Maybe a vacuum leak? My sons truck was doing the same thing. Vacuum hose was burned through (laying on the headers) as well as the brake...
    • C
      Cousin_Eddie replied to the thread What year box do I have?.
      Thanks legopnuematic. That's what LMC's website says as well. But my tailgate is original to the 84. (It matches the cab and front end)...
    • C
      Cousin_Eddie replied to the thread What year box do I have?.
      From what I understand the round hole went to 78. Do you recall how many bolts are holding the front to the side of your box?
    • C
      Hello there everyone. I have been lurking here for a while now and I have gained so much valuable information. I just wanted to say...
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