Recent content by Bighead72

  1. B

    How close are the aftermarket doors?

    How close are the aftermarket doors? Best place to get them?
  2. B

    Inner rocker choices confusion.

    like to know myself.
  3. B

    Front frame bent?

    Honestly it’s a vehicle that I care about and want done right. I don’t understand how it can look like that measure the same as what the frame dimensions call for. And honestly finding a “true frame shop” would be tough in my area.
  4. B

    Front frame bent?

    still looking for one
  5. B

    Front frame bent?

    It says 28 inches and that’s what it measures. Front horns still look out a bit.
  6. B

    Front frame bent?

    Should it be even width front to back?
  7. B

    Front frame bent?

    I’m going to try to bolt bumper on. Is it worth fooling with or junk it?
  8. B

    Front frame bent?

    Is the front frame bent?
  9. B

    9 in ford in square body?

    Thoughts on 9 in ford in 81-87 square body? I’m considering it.
  10. B

    Sanding 81 truck frame?

    What kind of sand blaster you have?
  11. B

    Sanding 81 truck frame?

    Closest guy to sand blast my frame is roughly 2 1/2 hours away. (I live in a rural area) he said 350 for the frame. I was wondering what’s everyone’s thoughts on hand sanding and using orbital sander to sand the frame? Would I get a better finish product sanding?
  12. B

    Cab worth fixing?

    What replacement part is this? Is it the inner cab corner? Photo take from the back underneath, bed off.
  13. B

    Cab worth fixing?

    should I replace cab corner? Outside seems solid inside is rusted out. Pics above

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