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  1. jjester6000

    Boat Motor In My Studebaker.

    So as some of you my know, I just happen to own this really solid non running 1951 Studebaker Champion Starlight Coupe. I originally bought it with the aspirations of getting it on the road while keeping it original. Unfortunately parts are very expensive and damn near impossible to find, so I...
  2. jjester6000

    New Tires, What should I do for wheels?

    Oh man, I need a change of underwear after seeing that picture. The canoe, the topper, the faded paint what's not to love? I vote white, and if you're going through the trouble of having them power coated, I'd also pay and have them sandblasted beforehand, then you probably won't have to deal...
  3. jjester6000

    Craziest antitheft idea yet.

    I went to trade school in Denver Colorado, but now I'm finally back in Illinois.
  4. jjester6000

    Craziest antitheft idea yet.

    My anti-theft was putting it in gear and removing the shift lever. After the first time someone tried to steal it, I took an extra precaution every night by swapping a plug and coil wire on the distributor. Then when someone tried to carjack me in it, I went out and bought a tazer/mace (I'm...
  5. jjester6000

    Craziest antitheft idea yet.

    I always had the idea of welding a nut to the brake pedal, and having a super sharp spike that threads in, so whoever tries tho steal it impales their foot. Obvious, they'd probably try to sue me for that (Though I still think I'd probably win that case). I also had another idea of installing...
  6. jjester6000

    Bvllsh!t on craigslist.

    Yeah, Half is a bit much even for a perfect california bed.
  7. jjester6000

    Bvllsh!t on craigslist. What the hell is this guy smoking? Even is if it was actually in absolutely perfect condition, I'd maybe give him half (there is obviously some rust bubbling up).
  8. jjester6000

    Show your daily driver

    The old manual swapped suburban is giving me some troubles, now it needs intake gaskets. With my new job and college, I might be looking for a slightly lower mileage gas saver pretty soon. (Just rolled over 330k) And by gas saver I mean something like this '96 Caprice Classic with the L99. Or...
  9. jjester6000

    New member from California

    My condolences (about living in California). Great looking truck!
  10. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    It's running on all 6, it's got plenty of power.
  11. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    Engine is in!!! I'm going to finish everything up tomorrow, but I did hook the starter/oil pressure line up and it spit out about 45lbs of oil pressure while cranking.
  12. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    Just picked up my brand-used flywheel. The one the autoparts store had was for a 1 piece rear main seal engine, so I ran to a local machine shop, and they had this for half the price already machined (it passed the bell test).
  13. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    Thank you, and thats quite a clever doohickey, I might have to use it some day.
  14. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    False alarm! So I yanked the flywheel off and put the original 10 inch clutch one on, and it spins true (mind the torn up ring gear). Then I looked closely at my other flywheel and found a crack in the center, no doubt being attributed to an embarrassing incident that happended about a month...
  15. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    I'll try this out, but if it's bent to the point I can't fix it, what would happen if I ran it like this? How bad would the vibration be? There is no way that this engine is getting torn down again.
  16. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    I just want to know what would happen if I did in fact run it like that? I'm already over budget on this escapade. How would I straighten it without a lathe? Also, I know they aren't pressed on, but this guy is a mopar guy (though I'm not sure those are pressed on either).
  17. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    He's also the one who overtorqued the rod bolts in the first place when he got the torque specs mixed up with a chrysler slant 6. He's retired, so he would do stuff to the engine while I was at work,
  18. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    I don't have a dial indicator, but I'll pull it off and check what's going on either tonight or tomorrow. How big of an issue would this cause if it were a warped flange though? The reason I ask is because the guy who was helping me put the engine together (my neighbor) for some reason thought...
  19. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    What do you think it is? If it's the flywheel I'll get a new one, but if it's the crank flange being warped I'm just going to run it. I've never heard of a flywheel itself warping before, you'd think that it would just crack (other than a flexplate).
  20. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    So I got a battery and decided to test out the mini starter, and I noticed that there is a bit of runout with the flywheel. I got a feeling that it's actually the crank flange, but I don't know. Anything I should worry about? I
  21. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    The engine is all put together. I was going to put it in tonight, but I don't trust this engine hoist I borrowed from work. I'm probably going to rent a big one like I did last time. I also got the new clutch and throwout bearing installed.
  22. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    Yeah, but the kit came with a way shorter throwout bearing, so I think everything is okay.
  23. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    Okay, this kit came with a different throw out bearing, so I think everything is okay.
  24. jjester6000

    Might have Over-torqued Rod Bolts 250 I6

    I'm getting ready to put the new clutch and pressure plate on, and I realized that the new pressure plate is slightly different when it comes to the fingers. Is this something I should worry about? This truck originally had a 10 inch clutch, but I upgraded it to an 11 inch a while back.

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